One Small Purchase

can make a big impact

How It Works

Our team manages all aspects & keeps the cycle going every month.

All stores have to do is:

  • Select a nonprofit each month from a proprietary database of vetted organizations local to each of your stores.

  • Print an updated sign card from a proprietary store management portal to display the benefiting nonprofit.

We’ll handle the rest!

The Process

We provide ongoing support to nonprofit partners & your team.

What We Do

At PS It Matters, our goal is to empower your banner to showcase your commitment to corporate social responsibility with minimal effort. Below is a complete outline of everything our team does at no extra cost to your banner.

Nonprofit Research & Vetting

Our team ensures that each nonprofit available for selection is active in the community and engaged with the program through a continuous nonprofit research and vetting process. By routinely adding new nonprofits and evaluating participating organizations, we guarantee a high level of engagement to maximize your brand’s earned media

Nonprofit Communication

To ensure nonprofits feel supported and valued when partnering with your brand, our team provides comprehensive support throughout each selection period. Our proven nonprofit communication methodology equips selected nonprofits with a wide range of promotional resources, marketing advice, and outreach reminders.

Data Reporting

Through frequent data reporting, our team routinely presents the value of this program to your banner. Our data reporting strategy, which focuses on real-time insights, trend identification, and performance metrics, is designed to enable you banner to easily visualize the success of this program.

Microsite Creation & Management


In line with your unique branding and messaging style, our team designs and maintains a microsite for your banner’s Bags 4 My Cause Program. The website is not only a hub of nonprofit resources but also a place where organizations, supporters, and the general public can easily view your banner’s impact. 

Store Management Communication

To monitor the store-level execution of this program, our team conducts all necessary communication regarding stock, sales, and signage. Through our proprietary store management portal and direct communication with store leadership, we ensure everything runs smoothly in all participating locations and minimize the effort exerted by your banner.

Want to bring
Bags 4 My Cause
to Your Stores?

We would love to hear from you!

For more information, reach out to
Jim Brennan, Co-Founder & COO at:

(207) 351-6903